
Literature on international Christian Democratic Movement:

Arbol, Niels (1986): Kristdemokraterna – en världrörelse. Samhällsgemenskaps Förlags AB. Malmö.

Demker, Marie (1998): Religion och Politik. Den europeiska kristdemokratins dilemma. SNS Förlag. Stockholm.

Hanley, David (toim.) (1994): Christian Democracy in Europe: A Comparative Perspective. Pinter. London.

Kalyvas, Stathis N. (1996): The Rise of Christian Democracy in Europe: Cornell University Press. London.

Kalyvas, Stathis N. (1998): “From Pulpit to Party. Party Formation and the Christian Democratic Phenomenon.” Comparative Politics, Vol 30: 293 312. Chicago.

van Kersbergen, Kees (1995): Social Capitalism. A Study of Christian Democracy and the Welfare State. Routledge. London.